Rare earth and powder metallurgy

In rare earth and powder metallurgy, saggers play an important role. Rare earth metals are important strategic resources widely used in electronics, magnetic materials, catalysts, optical glass, and other fields. Powder metallurgy is a method of manufacturing parts and materials by pressing metal powders into shape and then sintering, heat treating, etc.

In rare earth metallurgy, crucibles are typically used as protective and reaction vessels during the smelting and alloy preparation processes. Due to the high reactivity and oxidizability of rare earth metals, the smelting process needs to be carried out in an inert atmosphere to prevent oxidation and loss of the metal. Crucibles can provide this inert atmosphere and protect rare earth metals from oxidation. Additionally, crucibles can be used as reaction vessels during the mixing and smelting processes of rare earth alloys to ensure uniform and stable alloy composition.

In powder metallurgy, crucibles are commonly used during the mixing and ball milling processes of powders. Powder mixing is necessary to obtain the desired chemical composition and particle distribution, while ball milling is the process of refining and uniformly dispersing the powder. Crucibles can provide a sealed container to ensure that the powders are not contaminated and oxidized during the mixing and ball milling processes. Furthermore, crucibles can also be used during the sintering and heat treatment processes of powders to provide a protective atmosphere and ensure the stability and reactivity of the powders at high temperatures.

In summary, crucibles play an important role as protective and reaction vessels in rare earth and powder metallurgy, ensuring the stability and quality of rare earth metals and powders during the preparation process.

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